Mini-logo ROPSSA
P.O. Box 679, Koror, Palau 96940
SSA Office: Tel (680) 488-2457 | Fax: (680) 488-1470
HCF Office: Tel (680) 488-1904 | Fax: (680) 488-4019

Applying for SS Benefits


To be "fully insured", a deceased wage earner must have contributed to the Social Security program at least one quarter for each year between the time he/she turned 21 years of age and date of death. For example, if a wage earner dies at 45 years of age, he must have contributed to the Social Security program for at least 24 quarters (45 - 21 = 24) to qualify as "fully insured".


To be "fully insured", a person must have contributed at least 38 quarters of taxable wages to the Social Security program. Since there are 4 quarters in a year, this means that a person must have worked at least 9 years and 6 months to qualify as "fully insured".

See table for more information


To qualify as "currently insured", a person must have contributed into the Social Security program at least 8 quarters of taxable wages in the previous 13 quarters before becoming entitled to receive benefits. This means that within the three years and three months prior to applying or becoming entitled to receive benefits, a person worked at least two years.


To qualify as "permanently insured", a person must have contributed at least 120 quarters of taxable wages into the Social Security program. This means that a person must have worked at least 30 years to be "permanently insured".

The Social Security Administration offers five types of social security benefits to eligible individuals.
Click on any of the benefits below for more information:



To be eligible for retirement or old age insurance benefits, a person must be fully insured (38qtrs.) and has attained the age of Sixty (60) years.

Application and Requirements

To apply, please fill out an Application for Retirement Insurance Benefits and submit it along with the required documents:

Certified copy of your Birth Certificate
At least two (2) of the following original documents that are at least 5 years old prior to the date of this application (i.e. passport, driver's license, picture identification card, etc.)
Termination Action or Resignation Letter (if below age 65)
If residing overseas, submit Certified Statement of Earnings (if below age 65 and working)
Copy of Savings or Checking Account: i.e Bank of Hawaii, Bank of Guam, Bank Pacific



A person who is unable to engage in any substantial gainful employment for at least 12 months because of a mental or physical impairment can apply for disability insurance benefits. A person must also be Fully Insured AND Currently Insured OR Permanently Insured.

Application and Requirements

To apply, please fill out an Application for Disability Insurance Benefits and submit it along with the required documents:

Certified copy of your Birth Certificate
At least two (2) of the following original documents that are at least 5 years old prior to the date of this application (i.e. passport, driver's license, picture identification card, etc.)
Doctor's Recommendation
Medical Records
Disability Report
Authorization Form to release information to the Social Security Administration
Termination Action or Resignation Letter (if below age 65)
If residing overseas, submit Certified Statement of Earnings (if below age 65 and working)
Copy of Savings or Checking Account: i.e Bank of Hawaii, Bank of Guam, Bank Pacific



Dependent children of deceased wage earners are eligible to receive survivor insurance benefits if the wage earner was fully insured or currently insured.

They must also meet the following requirements:

Must be natural or adopted child (legally or under Palauan custom) of the deceased wage earner
If not the natural or adopted child, there should be proof that the child was dependent upon the wage earner at the time of death or have been living with the wage earner
Under age 18; or between the age 18 and 22 presently attending school; or disabled since before age of 22 (If applying for Disabled Dependent Child Benefit)

Application and Requirements

To apply for Disabled Dependent Child Benet, please fill out an Application for Survivor Disabled Child Insurance Benefits and submit it along with the required documents:

Death Certificate of Wage Earner
Birth Certicate of Child(ren)
Applicant's Picture ID. At least two (2) of the following original documents that are at least 5 years old prior to the date of this application (i.e. passport, driver’s license, picture identification card, etc.)
Proof of Child Dependency if not the natural child or not adopted through Court
Proof of Guardianship if the claimant is living with someone other than the the Surviving Spouse of the decedent
Doctor's Recommendation
Medical Records

To apply for Dependent Child Benefit, please fill out an Application for Survivor Insurance Benefits and submit it along with the required documents:

Death Certificate of Wage Earner
Birth Certificate of Child(ren)
Certification of School Attendance (for a child at age 18 to 21)
Applicant's Picture ID. At least two (2) of the following original documents that are at least 5 years old prior to the date of this application (i.e. passport, driver’s license, picture identification card, etc.)
Proof of Child Dependency if not the natural child or not adopted through Court
Proof of Guardianship if the claimant is living with someone other than the Surviving Spouse of the decedent



To be eligible for survivor's insurance benefits, an applicant's deceased spouse must have been fully insured or currently insured at the time of death.

Application and Requirements

To apply, please fill out an Application for Survivor Insurance Benefit and submit it along with the required documents:

Death Certificate
Proof of Marriage (Marriage Certificate, Affidavit of Marriage by you and two blood relatives of the deceased insured person attesting to the existence of a customary marital relationship, etc.)
Your Birth Certificate
At least two (2) of the following original documents that are at least 5 years old prior to the date of this application (i.e. passport, driver’s license, picture identification card, etc.)
Termination Action or Resignation Letter (if below age 65)
If residing overseas, submit Certified Statement of Earnings (if below age 65 and working)
Copy of Savings or Checking Account: i.e. Bank of Hawaii, Bank of Guam and Bank Pacific



To be eligible for this one-time payment of Survivor Insurance benefit, the deceased wage earner must have been fully insured or currently insured at the time of death. Lump Sum Benefit is paid in the following order:

Surviving Spouse
Children in equal shares
Parents in equal shares
Duly appointed Legal Representative of the deceased

Application and Requirements

To apply, please fill out an Application for Lump Sum Insurance Benefit and submit it with the required documents.

If you are the Spouse of the deceased, the following documents must accompany the application:

Death Certificate
Proof of Marriage (Marriage Certificate, Affidavit of Marriage by you and two blood relatives of the deceased insured person attesting to the existence of a customary marital relationship, etc.)
Your Birth Certificate
At least two (2) of the following original documents that are at least 5 years old prior to the date of this application (i.e. passport, driver’s license, picture identification card, etc.)

If you are not the Spouse of the deceased, you must establish your right to the Lump-Sum Payment as the survivor, surviving heirs, or estate. The following documents must accompany the application:

Death Certificate
Your Birth Certificate
At least two (2) of the following original documents that are at least 5 years old prior to the date of this application (i.e. passport, driver’s license, picture identification card, etc.)
Court order/decree appointing Administrator of the deceased's estate


The most recent change to the Social Security Act does allow a beneficiary to receive two types of benefits, i.e.: Surviving Spouse and Retirement Insurance benefit and or Surviving Spouse and Disability Insurance benefit. So surviving spouse insurance beneficiaries who are 60 years old may receive retirement benefits also if they qualify; or if surviving spouse is under the age of sixty (60) years, he/she may be eligible for the disability insurance benefit.

A widow or widower under the age of 60 and unmarried, the maximum monthly benefit is 60% of the deceased spouse basic benefit at the time of death. However, if the widow or widower remarries then the surviving spouse benefit will terminate. A widow or widower who remain unmarried after the age of 60 is eligible for 100% of spouse basic benefit at the time of death. A widow or widower who is at least sixty (60) years old may re-marry and continue to receive his or her monthly amount of benefit at 60% of available benefit under deceased wage earner's covered earnings, but may not receive more than one surviving spouse's insurance benefit.